Psychiatriezentrum Münsingen (PZM), Psychiatrie Biel, Kriseninterventionsstation - psychiatric hospital BE
Best result (1st rank) in Switzerland in the quality indicator treatment outcome psychiatry, rated by the therapists
Significantly worse result in patient satisfaction psychiatry
Total score from all 3 outcome-quality-indicators  
starstarstarstarstar  3.4
starstarstarstarstar  5.0
starstarstarstarstar  2.1
starstarstarstarstar  0.8

starstarstarstarstar  5.0
starstarstarstarstar  0.9

Profile of the clinic 

  • Rate of compulsory admissions: 0% mehr Informationen
  • Rate of patients with supplementary insurance: 3%

About the clinic

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The master data for this hospital was last updated on November 10, 2022. You can find the period of origin of the quality data in the respective documentation on our portal.