Center da Sanadad Savognin SA (Kreisspital Surses) GR
General hospital with a very small number of patients
Little data on the quality of the results
starstarstarstarstar  0.9

starstarstarstarstar  5.0
starstarstarstarstar  4.1
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Profile of the clinic 

  • Type: Small general hospital
  • Emergency department: yes
  • Intensive care unit: no
  • Special infrastructure: CT
  • No of operating rooms: 1
  • No of delivery-rooms: 0
  • Rate of patients with supplementary insurance: 23%

About the clinic

Have you or your family member recently been treated here? (inpatient treatment)

Please share your your experiences »

Ratings from patients / visitors about the Center da Sanadad Savognin:

important information:
We review submitted patient reviews for compliance with our guidelines. The criteria are authenticity, appropriateness and compliance with our privacy policy. Assessments with the label «verified rating» have been confirmed by the patient with a mobile number. This gives you greater trustworthiness.

We do not offset patient ratings entered online with other quality indicators. The patient feedback therefore does not influence the scores or the ranking of the hospitals / clinics on our leaderboards. We present the feedback, which does not violate our guidelines, as we have received it. We kindly ask you to carefully consider to what extent these ratings are important for your choice of hospital.
 unverified rating
I received medical treatment there after a skiing accident (a deep cut on my knee caused by a ski edge). The cut on the knee was closed with nine stitches under local anesthesia. In fact, everything seemed fine. 

About the surgery:
When my family doctor wanted to remove the threads 14 days later, the wound gaped open and coagulated blood and secretions came out. In the regional hospital, the wound was reopened under general anesthesia. A broken bursa and a cut tendon came to light!
transl. from german, date of rating: 15.01.2022

The master data for this hospital was last updated on March 31, 2024. You can find the period of origin of the quality data in the respective documentation on our portal.