Berit Clinic (group), Speicher AR
No data on the quality of the results
At the moment there is no data for outcome-quality-comparisons for this hospital-group . Please have a look at the different sites.

At the moment there is no further structure-quality data for this hospital-group. Please have a look at the different sites.

Profile of the group 

  • Type: Specialized clinic surgery
  • Emergency department: no
  • Intensive care unit: no
  • No of operating rooms: 6
  • No of delivery-rooms: 0

This group has also a rehab unit.

Have you or your family member recently been treated here? (inpatient treatment)

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Ratings from patients / visitors about the Berit Klinik (Gruppe):

important information:
We review submitted patient reviews for compliance with our guidelines. The criteria are authenticity, appropriateness and compliance with our privacy policy. Assessments with the label «verified rating» have been confirmed by the patient with a mobile number. This gives you greater trustworthiness.

We do not offset patient ratings entered online with other quality indicators. The patient feedback therefore does not influence the scores or the ranking of the hospitals / clinics on our leaderboards. We present the feedback, which does not violate our guidelines, as we have received it. We kindly ask you to carefully consider to what extent these ratings are important for your choice of hospital.
 unverified rating
top surgeon dr. Christoph Knoth Abtwil. He replaced two hip joints in just one operation. I recommend this human and goal-oriented surgeon to everyone who has hip problems. Good kitchen and nursing staff always friendly and helpful 

About the surgery:
2 hip joints in just one operation by dr. Christoph Knoth Abtwil. Is rarely done and saves the patient a general anesthesia and other activities. Op went off without any problems... after 4 days I was able to go home with crutches. (surgeon: Dr. Christoph Knoth)
transl. from german, inpat. treatment in Apr. 2022, date of rating: 04.05.2022