Quality - comparison of hospitals and clinics in Switzerland - all indicators

Below you will find an overview of all quality indicators included in Hospital Comparison Switzerland. On top are the indicators concerning the Swiss hospitals, afterwards follow the measurements applying to rehabilitation clinics, psychiatric hospitals and finally birthplaces.

Click on one single indicator to learn more about it. You will find on the following page information about the soures, the period of assessement, strengths and limitations and other details for each quality indicator. Moreover, you can directly call a corresponding list of the best hospitals / clinics on this indicator.

Please note that not every hospital respectively not every clinic provides all key figures. It also happens that a hospital / a clinic provides the data, but we can not use them because of statistical reasons (Usually insufficient numbers of cases).

Quality - indicators for Swiss hospitals hide/show
disease / intervention    
head / throat
internal organs
birth / gynecology
legs / back / orthopedics
other diseases
number of staff per patient    

Quality - indicators for Swiss rehab clinics hide/show

Quality - indicators for psychiatric clinics in Switzerland hide/show

Quality - indicators for Swiss birthplaces hide/show

This page is updated continuously.