Quality-indicators of hospitals and clinics in Switzerland:

Treatment outcome geriatric rehabilitation

Treatment outcome geriatric rehabilitation (after injuries, musculo-skeletal diseases, metabolic, digestive & urogenital illnesses, respiratory conditions, diseases of the nervous system or eye & ear, circulatory diseases etc.)

The treatment success of geriatric rehabilitation clinics is systematically measured throughout Switzerland. The improvement of the patients' abilities in important areas of daily life (e.g. eating/drinking, dressing, locomotion, communication) between the time of admission to the clinic and discharge is assessed.

In the current year, the treatment courses of a total of 16'317 patients from 47 clinics were documented. Of the 42 clinics with sufficient case numbers, 15 achieved a significantly above-average treatment outcome. Twelfe clinics significantly underperformed. In the other clinics, the outcome was in the middle (non-significant) range.

The Siloah Clinic in Gümligen achieved by far the best results for outcome quality in geriatric rehabilitation and was already the top performer in the previous year. However, the Dussnang Rehabilitation Clinic and the aarReha Clinic Schinznach Rehabilitation in Schinznach Bad and in Zofingen also show impressively good and significantly above-average values. The best rated hospital in French-speaking Switzerland in terms of geriatric rehabilitation is the Hôpital de Lavaux in Cully.

It is up to you as a patient to opt for a hospital with excellent results, even if it is far from home. When choosing a rehab, it can also be advisable to take into account other key figures such as the patient satisfaction, the number of staff (doctors, nurses) or the case numbers (hospital size).

The best hospitals with regard to treatment outcome geriatric rehabilitation

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starstarstarstarstar  5.0
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starstarstarstarstar  4.4
starstarstarstarstar  4.4
rank #7 to 36 hidden ... show mehr
starstarstarstarstar  4.2
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starstarstarstarstar  3.9
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starstarstarstarstar  0.4
starstarstarstarstar  0.3
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starstarstarstarstar  0.2

Profile of the key figure treatment outcome geriatric rehabilitation

About the indicator «Treatment outcome rehabilitation»

Treatment outcome (outcome quality) in inpatient rehabilitation is measured and evaluated differently depending on the rehabilitation area. The results of the treatment outcome (outcome quality) are risk-adjusted by the ANQ (National Association for Quality Development in Hospitals and Clinics) and thus made comparable. Before publication, they are discussed with the participating clinics.


The measurements by the ANQ have been developed and optimized over several years in cooperation with experts and the involved clinics and are thus well supported. Internationally recognized instruments are used. The evaluation is carried out by recognized research institutes.


Rarely, the applied methodology has been criticized, and whether the risk adjustment carried out by the ANQ appropriately reflects the clinic-specific patient mix.

There are patient-ratings about this topic

Ratings from patients about this topic:

 unverified rating about the Spital Tafers
Since the restructuring, geriatric rehabilitation is top! Lots of good therapies and motivated staff. You can feel their joy in dealing with the patient 
transl. from german, inpatient treatment in Sep.2021, date of rating: 05.12.2021

The data on this page was last updated on February 26, 2022.