Zürcher RehaZentrum Davos, Davos Clavadel - rehab GR
Total score from all 2 outcome-quality-indicators  
starstarstarstarstar  3.4
starstarstarstarstar  4.1
starstarstarstarstar  2.5

At the moment there is no further structure-quality data for this clinic.

Profile of the clinic 

  • Type: Rehab
  • Rate of patients with supplementary insurance: 22%

About the clinic

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Ratings from patients / visitors about the Zürcher RehaZentrum Davos:

15     /  8 

patient ratingsSource: Hospital Comparison Switzerland 7 7 patient ratings “very good” 0 0 patient ratings “good” 1 1 patient ratings “average” 0 0 patient ratings “unsatisfactory” 7 7 patient ratings “poor”

important information:
We review submitted patient reviews for compliance with our guidelines. The criteria are authenticity, appropriateness and compliance with our privacy policy. Assessments with the label «verified rating» have been confirmed by the patient with a mobile number. This gives you greater trustworthiness.

We do not offset patient ratings entered online with other quality indicators. The patient feedback therefore does not influence the scores or the ranking of the hospitals / clinics on our leaderboards. We present the feedback, which does not violate our guidelines, as we have received it. We kindly ask you to carefully consider to what extent these ratings are important for your choice of hospital.
 verified rating
I was made viable - I can only recommend it - friendly and competent care - I was there for 5 weeks - wonderful!!! 
transl. from german, date of rating: 15.02.2024

 verified rating
Our rehab had to be stopped after 2 days, since I was welcomed by a very unsuitable medical team and a dingy and untidy bedroom. After I had major knee surgery. A real nightmare. Psychoterror unparalleled. Unclean and no trained personel 
transl. from german, inpat. treatment in Feb. 2022, date of rating: 15.03.2022

 verified rating
Very courteous staff. Success-oriented therapies. Good professional support. Good, balanced food. Rehab and relaxation at its best 

Zürcher RehaZentrum Davos
transl. from german, inpat. treatment in Oct. 2021, date of rating: 20.11.2021

 verified rating
In every moment I felt well looked after and could only profit. For me this was the perfect spot to find quiet and new strength. Thanks to all of you! 
transl. from german, inpat. treatment in Jul. 2020, date of rating: 02.10.2020

 verified rating
I was already there 4 times and it gets worse every time. Care personnel understaffed, they did not care much, if at all. Therapy was not much better. I was discharged in a worse state than when I was admitted. 

Zürcher RehaZentrum Davos
transl. from german, inpat. treatment in Nov. 2019, date of rating: 28.07.2020

 verified rating
Rooms small and old, bathroom cupboard had to be shared and there was no hanger for towels. Every 2-3 days someone came to shake the pillows. The doctor did not come every day (lay private) I was stuffed with drugs (20), the urgently needed lymph drainage was not done 
transl. from german, inpat. treatment in Mar. 2018, date of rating: 15.04.2018

 verified rating
Considerable gastronomy in this rehab clinic. 

Zürcher RehaZentrum DavosZürcher RehaZentrum DavosZürcher RehaZentrum Davos
transl. from german, inpat. treatment in Jun. 2017, date of rating: 19.06.2017

 verified rating
I have never eaten so well and with pleasure in a hospital! Varied, fresh, imaginative preparation and presentation, and courteous friendly staff! From me, five ***** 
transl. from german, inpat. treatment in Jan. 2013, date of rating: 18.11.2015

 unverified rating
There is a lack of medical and nursing care. Since I've been here, there haven't been any proper doctor's visits for two weeks, and there aren't enough nursing staff. The digital scheduling does not match with what the patient encounters. Plus unannounced construction work during your stay. 

Zürcher RehaZentrum DavosZürcher RehaZentrum DavosZürcher RehaZentrum Davos
transl. from german, inpat. treatment in Feb. 2024, date of rating: 08.03.2024

 unverified rating
date of rating: 30.01.2024

 unverified rating
A PITY Disastrous organization. Meals above average, understaffing, poor communication between departments. Wrong & unnecessary therapies. Confusing and short-term appointment changes. Sometimes in writing, then again verbally in the opposite direction.  
transl. from german, date of rating: 15.02.2022

 unverified rating
Contrary to the Narcotics Act, narcotics were lying around unsecured on the table in the nursing room for 2 weeks, patients' private items were forcibly stolen, and private letters were opened. I am assuming that no statistics entry was made. 
transl. from german, inpat. treatment in Nov. 2018, date of rating: 25.06.2021

 unverified rating
The behavior of the nursing management was massively unprofessional. Medically proven physical injuries were negated and named psychosomatic. When documenting patient information, patients were mixed up. 
transl. from german, inpat. treatment in Nov. 2018, date of rating: 09.11.2020

 unverified rating
It was absolutely fantastic! The Staff is wonderful. Care is excellent! Food, accommodation and human interaction is truly wonderful! Thank you  

Zürcher RehaZentrum DavosZürcher RehaZentrum Davos
transl. from german, inpat. treatment in Jun. 2019, date of rating: 14.07.2019

 unverified rating
inpat. treatment in Oct. 2020, date of rating: 01.11.2020

The master data for this hospital was last updated on March 31, 2024. You can find the period of origin of the quality data in the respective documentation on our portal.