Quality indicators for hospitals and clinics in Switzerland:
Lung cancer, patient number
Diagnosis- or intervention-specific patient numbers (case numbers) per hospital for lung cancer are available for 102 hospitals in the current data year. These hospitals attended 8'178 patients in total. On average, this results in 80 patients with lung cancer per hospital. 24 hospitals had less than 10 patients. The Universitätsspital Basel (USB) scored the highest case number (481 patients) in lung cancer.
Direct link to source not available in English - view it in German or in French (FOPH-code: D.3.1.F)
Quality report (pdf) not available in English - view it in German or in French
Department: Acute care
About the indicator «Specific patient numbers»
Number of patients with a specific diagnosis or intervention (per calendar year).
High patient numbers with a specific diagnosis or intervention is a indicator for good knowledge and expertise. A hospital with high specific patient numbers has a lot of experience with different techniques of diagnosis and treatment (e.g. surgeries). Additionally, high specific patient numbers suggest that employees and technical equipment are up to date.
Unfortunately, specific patient numbers are not available for all interventions. It is not sure that results are transferable to similar interventions. Also, the relationship between patient numbers and experience/competency is not linear. Especially with very high specific patient numbers the expertise and knowledge does not increase in equal measure.
The KSA saved my life.
-2018 Lung cancer stage 4 with metastases in the adrenal glands. Immunotherapy, chemo. Removal of a lobe of the lung and the adrenal glands. Be cancer free for 5 years. In other clinics they would have given up on me and not operated on me anymore. The nursing staff is also great.
About the surgery:
- Lobectomy of a lung lobe by PD Dr. med. Franco Gambazzi. After 5 days I was home. Nice scar. 1.5 months later I was back in the office.
-Minimal invasive removal of the adrenal glands by PD Dr. med. Christian Andreas Nebiker. After 2 weeks I was back in the office. (surgeon: Dr. Franco Gambazzi)
My wife went to emergency with acute shortness of breath at 10 o'clock in the evening, after 2 hours of first superficial examination (no x-rays) sent home the next morning at 4 o'clock with Dafalgan, 3 days later emergency at the USZ, found lung cancer with water in the lung and heart
transl. from german, date of rating: 17.09.2023
The data on this page was last updated on August 10, 2024.