Quality indicators for hospitals and clinics in Switzerland:

Rate of compulsory hospitalizations

Rate of compulsory hospitalizations (Fürsorgerische Unterbringungen) - smaller rate results in more stars

The proportion of compulsory admissions in psychiatric hospitals in Switzerland varies considerably. Among the 41 clinics with an acute/primary care mandate, the range is from 0 to almost 50%. Crisis intervention services generally have fewer compulsory admissions.

Best hospitals for rate of compulsory hospitalizations

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rank #7 to 35 hidden ... show mehr
starstarstarstarstar  4.8
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starstarstarstarstar  0.3

Profile of the key figure rate of compulsory hospitalizations

About the indicator «Rate of compulsory hospitalizations (Psychiatry only)»

Ratio between the number of compulsory admitted patients and total number of patients.

The data is claimed by the ANQ (Nationaler Verein für Qualitätsentwicklung in Spitälern und Kliniken) according to the specifications of the Bundesamt für Statistik.


The rate of compulsory admitted patients is no quality indicator in the narrower sense. However a low rate gives a good clue for a more quiet treatment ambience.


Clinics with a stately mandate of general psychiatry usually have a higher rate of compulsory hospitalizations. The rate is also determined by the admitting practitioners, the laws and the authorities.

There are patient-ratings about this topic

Ratings from patients about this topic:

 verified rating about the Psychiatrische Universitätsklinik Zürich
Unkind treatment, you are forced to take far too many psychotropic drugs and sedated; no matter how much you suffer from "side effects". Without relatives, everything is even worse. I was there at the end of October 2014. Mental illnesses make you unstable/manipulable, and that is shamelessly exploited th 
transl. from german, date of rating: 14.12.2024

 unverified rating about the Triaplus, Oberwil b. Zug
I was forced to take the wrong medication. It made me sick and I received several incorrect diagnoses. Very bad doctors. 
transl. from german, date of rating: 08.12.2024

 unverified rating about the RFSM, Marsens
Worst experience of my life. As a teenager I was forced into confinement by my parents and psychologist . I never understood a word because everyone would only speak French. I saw things that traumatized me. The stay made my mental state worse. 
transl. from german, inpatient treatment in Apr.2021, date of rating: 20.02.2024

 unverified rating about the Kantonsspital Münsterlingen
Insufficient information. Forced to leave the ICU in a very poor condition after heart surgery, only to be readmitted twice for emergencies. Absolutely unreasonable for the patient. Flat-rate billing says hello. 

About the surgery:
Stents after a heart attack in a 92-year-old patient. Inadequate explanation as to whether the intervention is really necessary despite the living will. Patient died after unacceptable discharge and two re-admissions. During the dying process released again into the nursing home, absolutely inhumane. (surgeon: Dr. Nicht Bekannt)
transl. from german, inpatient treatment in Jul.2022, date of rating: 07.06.2023

 unverified rating about the Zürcher RehaZentrum Davos, Davos Clavadel
Contrary to the Narcotics Act, narcotics were lying around unsecured on the table in the nursing room for 2 weeks, patients' private items were forcibly stolen, and private letters were opened. I am assuming that no statistics entry was made. 
transl. from german, inpatient treatment in Nov.2018, date of rating: 25.06.2021

 unverified rating about the Psychiatrische Universitätsklinik Zürich
Simply criminal! Forced medication despite judicial confirmation / refusal, violence! (brutally tied up in a video-monitored isolation room). Incorrect diagnosis / accounting fraud (ICD-10), refusal to visit (despite official visiting hours), refusal of med. assistance after brutal police operations etc. 
transl. from german, date of rating: 19.12.2020

The data on this page was last updated on January 25, 2025.