Quality-indicators of hospitals and clinics in Switzerland:

Patient satisfaction psychiatry

Patient satisfaction psychiatry: «How do you rate the quality of treatment (medical and therapeutic staff, nurses)?»

All patients leaving a swiss psychiatric clinic in April, May or June 2022 were asked to rate «their clinic». Patient satisfaction is pleasingly high with an average of 3.92 (out of a maximum of 5). 18 clinics achieved significantly above-average patient satisfaction. 8 of these 18 were already significantly above average in the previous year. The Klinik Arlesheim achieved the best patient satisfaction - a statically significant result, although with a rather small number of cases. The Clienia clinics, Clienia Schlössli in Oetwil am See and Clienia Littenheid, which are much larger, also received significantly above-average ratings. It is also noteworthy that with the Universitätsklinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie UPD in Bern, for the first time a psychiatric university hospital has also achieved significantly better patient satisfaction.

10 clinics received significantly below-average ratings. This also includes the Psychiatric University Clinic in Zurich and the psychiatric services of the Solothurner Spitäler AG.

Consider to take into account other key figures for your choice of a clinic, such as the success of the treatment from the patient's point of view or from the therapist's point of view.

About the survey: A total of 13'761 questionnaires were distributed and 7'791 completed. The size of the sample and the response rate averaging 56.6% may be considered good. The survey of the current year provides meaningful results for 67 clinics.

Related key figures: Patient Satisfaction Hospitals -- Rehab

The best hospitals with regard to patient satisfaction psychiatry

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starstarstarstarstar  5.0
starstarstarstarstar  4.8
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rank #7 to 61 hidden ... show mehr
starstarstarstarstar  4.4
starstarstarstarstar  4.4
#10:  Klinik Gais
starstarstarstarstar  4.4
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starstarstarstarstar  4.3
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starstarstarstarstar  3.9
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starstarstarstarstar  1.0
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starstarstarstarstar  0.8
starstarstarstarstar  0.1

Profile of the key figure patient satisfaction psychiatry

About the indicator «Patient satisfaction»

Patient satisfaction is an important measure of hospital quality. It primarily reflects the patients' perception of the quality of treatment, the medical result and the competence and friendliness of the staff. In addition, when comfort elements such as good food and beautiful spaces surpass patients' expectations, excellent ratings are achieved. However, good comfort factors alone (without good medical quality) do not lead to high ratings.

Patient satisfaction is measured by ANQ (National group for quality development in Swiss hospitals and clinics) via a standardized questionnaire. These measurements may be considered the most reliable and comprehensive in Switzerland. The patients are each asked six questions after hospital discharge (multiple choice). We use the answers to the most general question about the quality of hospital treatment. In paediatrics, similar questions are used to query the satisfaction of the parents. The ANQ evaluations include a risk adjustment to make the hospitals comparable.


Patient satisfaction shows the view of the customer. It is therefore the most direct, honest and only holistic measurement. Patient satisfaction increases with good medical and nursing care and also reflects the quality of communication and the "atmosphere".


Not all patients fill in the questionnaires; a low response rate results in uncertainty whether the non-responders would probably think differently.

The data on this page was last updated on August 9, 2023.